Sport Newfoundland and Labrador (SportNL) is now accepting nominations from Provincial Sport Organizations for the 2013 Annual Awards. Awards are considered for an outstanding event performance or a series of performances in the year of nomination from January - December, 2013. Sport Governing Bodies will be limited to ONE nomination per category. The selection committee may consider additional nominations if necessary.
Deadline to be received by NLAA - Friday, January 10, 2014
Nominations are to be made directly to the Newfoundland and Labrador Athletics Association (NLAA) for final nomination to a category. Completed nomination forms must be SUBMITTED by Friday, January 10, 2014.Completed nomination forms may be submitted:
- Via email (preferred) to;
- fax (709) 576-7493
- mail to NLAA P.O. Box 3202 Paradise NL A1L 3W4